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Greater World Resources

Greater World is an off-the-grid subdivision of earthships just west of the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge in Taos County, New Mexico.  Earthships are intentionally constructed of recycled, reused, and reclaimed materials including; tires rammed with earth, cans, and glass and plastic bottles. Using both active solar for electricity and passive solar for heating, rain catchment supplements the water supply which is then utilized for gardening and eventually solid waste disposal; Leaving the earthships' basic concept similar to that of rammed earth housing.  At completion, Greater World could have over 100 completely off grid homes.

The county of Taos has designated Greater World as an "unconventional" subdivision.  With the expiration of all original Greater World Land User Association (GWLUA) documents as of April 2019, each individual property is owned and functions independently within the community itself.  There is no active legitimately formed Home Owners Association (HOA) at Greater World.

This website is an open resource to inform the community by organizing important and currently active information in one place for the reference of all.  All members’ identities will remain protected and documentation kept private.

The currently operational message board will close later this month.  However all new information gathered regarding Greater World will continue to be complied here and will be available to the public as an open resource.  If you have information you would like stored on site or published for the community to read, please email [email protected].

Please keep all message board posts civil.  This forum was not intended for gossip or public slander of your neighbors.  Take care of personal issues privately.